Friday, November 4, 2011

Long story short (NOTE: this will actually not be a short story in all likelihood, seeing as I have quite a lot of feelings at the moment) I am a bit of a miserable human. In fact, my current state of depression is so severe that I am very seriously entertaining the idea of standing on the balcony of my Parisian apartment (yes I'm in Paris) and belting some tunes off of Korn's greatest hits album as a sign of my angst.

So I'm on my two week travel break. I went to Dublin. It rained a lot and I learned that it is quite a common occurence for people to burst into song on buses at any given moment, which made me very much wish I had listened to my parents when they told me I would regret quitting my Irish folksinging lessons in 7th grade. I saw a William Butler Yates exhibit. I saw an Alice Neel exhibit. I love Alice Neel because I did a project on her in 9th grade and found her to be quite a fascinating creature. My dad hates Alice Neel because for said project, I had to create a Neel-esque portrait, chose my dad as the subject, and somehow, created a final product that made him look bald ... Quite odd. Hannah and I went shopping on Grafton Street. I bought a new sim card because my phone recenty ran away from home and the sim card I purchased in Copenhagen turned out to be less than perfect. Hannah and I went to the Guiness Storehouse where for about 3.5 minutes, I was convinced that I actually like beer. We went to Kilmainham Goal, an old prison that made appearances in several movies I have never seen. We ate at the Brazen Head, the oldest pub I'm Dublin. I woke up at 3 am today to catch a flight to Paris (NOTE: I had an amazing time with Hannah but today's events will explain my seemingly bitter attitude toward my present travel excursion).

I arrived in Paris at 9:07 this morning and successfully made my way onto the hour and a half bus ride from
the rather odd Bouvais airport to a metro station in the city center metro station, which is where the fun began. Two seemingly kind young girls helped me carry my suitcase up the metro station stairs. Moments later, I noticed my purse was open and my wallet was gone. This means I was alone in a Parisian metro station with no cash, credit card, drivers license, health insurance card, Danish CPR card, DIS student ID, Danish public transportation pass, and most importantly, my frequent users Baresso card, which, to make lemonade from lemons, only actually  had two stamps on it. Fortunately, a random man in the station helped me dig through trash cans looking for my wallet and file a "report" to a "security guard," who I suspect was just a man in a blue cotton shirt standing near the security counter. The landlord for the apartment Alex and I are renting was very lovely and once I was able to find her, took very good care of me, seeing as Alex isn't to arrive until later this evening so I was basically destitute. And I had yet to put in my contacts or brush my hair at this point, so she also probably took pity on me for my less than stellar physical appearance. She took me to the market and I made a rather interesting lunch before going on an adventure around Paris. There was a bit of a downpour outside, but I still managed to make it to Notre Dame and the Bastille (NOTE: I am not actually certain whether or not I saw the Bastille, as I have zero clue what it looks like and the signs were ambiguous to say the least). Then I got lost. So I took a cab, using a large portion of the euros my kind landlady loaned me. Then I made dinner. As it turns out, Parisians haven't heard about non stick pans. So that was that. Then I sat down to blog. Then I wrote said blog. Then my iPad deleted said blog, thus being yet another reason for my current state of bitterness.

But I realize being such a downer while in Paris is ... Well ... Wrong. So in an effort to end this day asap and start a new, more positive one, I am going to go to bed now. Well, I am going to listen to some Korn and then go to bed (NOTE: If you must know, I am actually listening to Simon and Garfunkel's "Bridge over Troubled Water" on repeat... in large part because I am disgruntled by the fact that we are forbidden from flushing the toilet between 11pm and 7am due to the noise complaints received by neighbors ...  Troubled water indeed).

May the force be with you all.

Ord af dagen: Vole = stolen (As in, "My wallet was 'vole' today because my gigantic suitcase and North Face backpack scream, 'Rob me. I'm American.'")

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