Monday, November 14, 2011

Good morning, everyone! I am so excited to be back, seeing as I have many a fascinating stories to share about my adventures the past two weeks. As you know, I have spent the last two weeks traveling about Europe, familiarizing myself with the cultures of Dublin, Edinburgh, Paris, and Aix en Provence, all lovely locales with their own unique charms. 

I am sorry for not writing since my somewhat negative post from Paris after the unfortunate "two gypsy girls stole my wallet in the metro station" story. But fortunately, things could really only go up from there. 

Now, seeing as I have so many things to share with all of you, I am going to be locking myself in a quiet place for 4-5 hours at some point this week to get my tales down on paper (i.e., computer screen). So I am sorry for the delay, but I beg of your patience and ask you to please tune in again in a few days. I assure my next post will rival the Justin Bieber baby mama story in both shock value and cultural appeal (NOTE: I rather devastated by said baby mama story and would like to refrain, if possible, from every speaking of it again). 


Ord af Dagen: "billet" = "ticket" (As in, "My wallet was stolen in Paris, I failed at using the new debit card my parents sent me, and was therefore forced to ride the Metro home from the airport last night without a 'billet,' ... a rebellious move, indeed")

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