Friday, September 23, 2011

Blog People: 

I just wanted to take a moment to notify you that I blogged for my Virtual Worlds and Social Media class on our field study to Parliament under (surprise, surprise) the Virtual Worlds and Social Media tab at the top of this page. If you find yourself with a few moments to spare in the ensuing days, I encourage you to check it out, as tantalizing it most certainly is. For your convenience, I have provided the direct link to the post in the event that you are struggling to find the large, well-marked tab above this post. 

Additionally, I will be spending my weekend with Liza in Geneva, Switzerland, so fret not if you do not hear from me until the early part of next week. 

Farvel! (Or as I hear they say in Geneva, Au revoir!) 

In the spirit of my upcoming journey, my "ord af dagen" will also be in French: 

ord af dagen: "betteraves" = "beets" (As in, I am ecstatic over the fact that I made boiled betteraves last night, as they are by far my favorite vegetable.) 

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